Saturday, May 30, 2009

Finally i updated my blog. -.-
Things wasn't as good as before.
History seems to be repeating itself.
I couldn't conquer the old me.

It was real hard.
This is definitely going to affects my studies.
Sincerely hope i can cancel the word lazy in my dictionary. -___-
More and more pressure are coming up.

I shall blog about this one incident that happen during the past weeks.
I found out that Science and religons really conflict each other.
In science, there is no such thing as religons.
Everything has to have prove.
I find it quite fascinating that there is still tons of people who believe in religons.

Although i am a free thinker myself, But whatever i says here wasn't meant to be insulting.
Sometimes, i really wonder, if i'm dead, where will i really be?
After watching this move call "Angel and Demons",
It made me wonder more.
There are many religons, and i believe most followers choose their religon due to their older generation or influence.

I have seen myself how being in a religon have changed and helped a person tremendously.
This is something that is worth rejoicing!
I personally respect these religons, however i couldn't really believe that god actually existed.
Pershaps i should end the topic here and not elaborate much on it.

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