Monday, December 28, 2009

Enjoy the small little moments happening in our lifes.

Few things that i want to mention here.
I was working with a headache today, and then it rained.
Bad day, though i was still looking forward to my jogging period.
It's kinda funny, i'm looking forward to jogging every now and then.

I'm enjoying the process of jogging and i simply <3 it.
Anyway while i was working, i came to see this particular girl.
She was 1.5 times larger then me, her whole neck was black,
so was her chin area,

This is a case of Acanthosis nigricans, it is a brown to black,
poorly defined, velvety hyperpigmentation of the skin.
It is usually found in body folds, armpits,neck and etc.
I'm having such diseases.

It's usually happen on people who are fat.
However, mine case wasn't so bad.
Its quite slight.
I want to cut down fats to cure this diseases.

The only way to cure it, is by slimming.
When i look at the girl, it totally turned me off.
I can imagine how people will look at me,
if i continue to grow fater.

It seems that i'm still very egoistic.
From quite alot of examples, i can still sense that i refuse to interact.
Sigh, this is very bad, but i promise i will try to change.
I <3 you all, my friends, family, relatives!

Special thanks to my sister, who bought my a new shoes.
Seeing that my shoes are spoiling,
and i'm jogging, determined to do so,
She bought for me today.

I felt very touched, despite the way i treated her last time.
I did said thank you, and i love you my sister.
Thanks for not giving up on me.
I promise our family ties will be better then ever.

Lastly, i am finally getting on with life,
I came to realise alot of stuffs.
I am willing to let go, in order to achieve another stuff.
This is what i have achieved.

I blog, not to describe about my daily lifes,
It is however, about my experiences in life,
my life, my family, my friends. <3

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