Wednesday, December 16, 2009

This is for you.

This is for you!
i blogged!.

I bought ps3 yesterday.
i think i got scammed though.
But nevermind, thats not the point.

Well, i want to slim down!
I have actually something in mind.
I seriously thought of slimming down.
Actually, i wanted to go army first,
due to i wanted to slim down before i go to school.

I felt inferior to girls.
Thats so bad, no confidence at all. -.-
Now i have another mindset.
Maybe i can try exercising every night.
I will then register for school.
Well all that is if my army letter don't come by end of december.

i wanted to be fit when i'm in school, i wanted to interact with girls too.
well i am trying it right now, and hopefully i will succeed.
Night-jogging <3 ;D
After buying ps3, i have no money for my daily expense now.-.-
Noe, i have to ask money from my parents already. saddddd.

Lets hope my life will get better.
I have been talking some life experiences to my friends too.
I felt its nice to have a talk with them,
as they are like my mirror, walking through what i face last time.
I find it interesting to talk about life principles with anyone.

I hope my current clique of friends will stay as it is,
for i <3 my clique of friends, and we will always enjoying all of our outings!
Okay,i'm done with blogging.
byebye !

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