Saturday, January 16, 2010

Life is good if you live good. =]

Hello readers, i'm here to blog again! Well i have a topic to blog about thanks to Sixu. Due to yesterday she saw my blog and gave me sudden comments, i couldn't stop laughing. Ahahaha, Hi sixu.

Well let me show you whats her sudden comments. Here goes.

Zhiyuan, i know this is kinda random. but after reading your blog. like now, i feel very happy for you xD(is this really random?)but i feel really happy for you. cause you finally sort outthe thingsi n your life (i heard you stopped schooling last year). and are working towards your goals. i hope you really can continue to be self-motivated to work hard towards them (unlike me HAHA). ;D

HAHAHAHAHAH, LAUGH DIE ME. sorry sixu, sometimes it's good to have a good laugh over it. =x. I know you won't mind! I had a chat with both sixu and ivy yesterday. It's good to have some chats with secondary schoolmates once in awhile. I enjoyed it. =]\

Alright now back to my stuffs, My right knee, sadly the veins are injured. I'm told that i am to avoid carrying heavy stuffs and wear a knee cap when i go jogging. This is terrible, because my work require me to carry heavy stuff. However, i'll see what can be done and hopefully it will recover. I'm having some little treats for myself now. Eating chocolates, fried stuff(not chicken) once in awhile. However because of my knee, i havn't been jogging for the past 2 days. I hope ill be going today!

I can't wait for myself to slim down, and at the same time, school to start. It's like i'm looking forward to starting of school. It's really quite not me. But i'm changing =]. This is me now, the new me. Oh and also i have to say this. Though i can type like this here, Back in reality, i'm still as "guailan" as ever. However i know when is the time to stop and start. No worries.

I love my life. Humans only desire more, which is why there is so much complaining, hunger for more, greed, etc etc. However i'm contented now. Perhaps i have another request? Girlfriends. Ahahah, thats for now. One life, Live it. No matter how much you have wasted previously. That's okay, perhaps you may think it's a little bit late. But start now. Think positively, Everything will work fine. The path will be automatically created for you. That's for those with no family problem/financial problem and yet wants to rebel.

I am once like that, and therefore i know. I analyst my wrongdoings, though i'm too thick-skinned in the reality. I shall mention it here. I beg for forgiveness. From my family, my friends, those who known me.

Fellow peeps, if you guys have any problem, you can always talk to me. I will try my best to counsel you. I'm not showing off. But i really do have quite alot of experiences and i am so willing to share it with all of you. Lets just say, giving some additional advise to you, so that you can clearly see the path/solution down your road. My road is starting, how's your road going?

Love, YaN

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