Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Happy lunar new year!!!

A very happy lunar new year to all of you. Haha, i haven't been blogging did i? Well, this lunar new year was quite boring for me. The family wasn't as close as ever. I didn't even see a full family reunion this time round. However the good thing is, as usual, i ask my cousins about their life and found out alot of stuffs.

One main intersting topic would be my younger cousin gerry. He is really a mini giant. He is 100+ kilograms and very tall. Don't scold me a backstabber just yet. I'm about to compliment him. He told me alot of girls like him. I was startled initially. However, after further conversation and analysing, i believe him. He has this one good character which i have to admit, i don't have. He is very thick skin.

He is really the joker among any clique he go out with. with his funny actions, words, people who are beside him, would surely laugh. That's the reason why girls will like him. Looks are just the first impression. After knowing each other for long, I believe the character of a person is more of a criteria then looks. I got amazed by my cousin. I will learn from him and develop such characteristic!

This is a short post, don't have mood to blog nowadays. Anyway, i hope i don't sound desperate. I'm not in a rush to find a girlfriend. It's just I want to experiences true teenage love. My mindset is already very adulthood. I hope it's just not too late yet. Alright, shall blog again soon.

Takecare all.

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