Friday, January 1, 2010

Enjoying every moment of my life.

Hello all, a very belated happy new year too all of you out there!. Everybody's school is starting. I felt so happy for them. It's time to put their interest back to studies. At the same time, i hope army will allow me to defer, so that i can go back to studies. Nobody out there have any idea how much i want to study now. I feel good!

Some points i have to make, this is quite bad. without school, with my current life, it's extremely hard to make new friends. I'm lacking of friends. I have to admit this, right now my circle of friends are extremely small. However, things will change, i know if i want to do it, i will do it. But it seems like i forgotton how to socialise with strangers. LOL, how retard can i be. -.-

Hopefully school start, i will and sure to make new good friends! Secondary school friends, i already missed so much of them. it is impossible i will fall another time. Once bitten, twice shy. I got bitten like so many times liao. This time it hit me hard enough to wake up to my senses. I can't always be a computer hero! Someday, somehow, i will and have to socialise. It's not as though i'm a loner. I'm not.

Anyway, i tried 50minutes of jogging today, both me and Jun did it. We were so proud of it. It seems as though currently, only Jun and me can go jogging as for the others, they have school to attend already. It's okay, both he and me just hope that we can reduce our fat and be fit! Perhaps he has a different aim for slimming down, but i know deep down, somehow, it concerns about girl.

Hahahah, Tomorrow will be going escape with ji long, ivan and perhaps marcus. I know we will enjoy tomorrow's outing. Because i'm trying to have more charisma you see, therefore , i will not 'guailan' unless i'm attacked. ^_^ Actions speaks louder then words. I know it's hard, It's like a very very old habit of mine already, But there is always a start, and i will start tomorrow. Alright i'm ending here. Good day to all. Enjoy your life out there. Just when you think how worst can your life be, think of the others in africa, when they even have to worry for their 3 meals, you will feel blessed. =]

YaN, With love. =]

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