Saturday, January 2, 2010

Hi lynn.

Hi, i'm back to blogging after 1hr 30min of previous posting. Actually i do have something to mention here. Just that i planned to save it till tomorrow. Then, got force by someone to blog. No choice, have to blog.

Chinese new year is around the corner already. Is everyone ready to take angpows? Personally i didn't want chinese new year to arrive so soon, as previously during the ritual for my ancestor, i told quite alot of relatives that i'm jogging. i'm quie afraid that i wouldn't slim down by then. I did have some results now, i did slim down, and i have people coming to me saying i slim down already.

No matter what, i'm still afraid. It's like if i didn't have obvious result, i feel like skipping chinese new year. Thats bad, but i think everyday of jogging won't fail me. I'm sure ill show results by then. One more month to slim down before facing them! I CAN DO IT! Anyway, chinese new year, it means spring cleaning. Which also means good-game. My house is as messy/dirty as you can imagine. Arghh, I hate to do housework! Anyway, who doesn't? haha.

My relationships with my family is getting better and better. I'm sure this has to do with my attitude change too. I did tried to make amendments, and i think they can feel it too. Everything is perfect now. I just needed a larger social cirle. With that, Everything will be perfect in my life. I would be a very contented man. I wonder if my pa's fish farm business is recovering or have to take the last resort, which is to close it down. I'm sure he will be sad, he spend his youth in this farm, it's his second house, his sweat are spilled all over the farms. LOL =x I'm not suppose to laugh when i'm typing this. -.-

Oh did i mention my eldest sister is coming back for chinese new year? Haha, i missed her too. It seems she has became a real lot more independant. Although she's still suffering from depression,
but i'm sure she has recover while she is out there in Middle East. I did heard that she got some problems there, and my family was comforting her as much as we can. I know she's one who depend alot on friends too. I'm one too. We have this common characteristic. So usually, her friends will help alot in comforting her too.

Maybe i'll start using facebook too. My phone is spoilt though, which means i can't upload picture already. Perhaps once i get a new phone, i'll use facebook too. Time to enjoy my life after slimming down! No more feeling of inferior to girls! I feel good~ LOL . Seriously every single day to me now is heaven. I'm enjoying the best out of it and hopefully, the rest of the year will be as enjoyable as of now, regardless of i'm going studies or army!

Okay i think i shall stop here, Enough of wordy words already. You see Bendan Lynn, I'm smart, i can blog until so long despite blogging just 2hours before.=x Hahahah, Alright bye all.!

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