Wednesday, July 8, 2009

new term ;D

it's bad, everytime, i wanted to blog, i have nothing to type.
After i'm done with blogging, ill have alot of things that i wanted to type.
Damn this, why like that?
I realised i've lost quite an amount of friends.

It's all my fault, i can blame no one.
Everybody asked me out, but i rejected.
Slowly, they won't ask you to go out anymore.
Sigh, i missed the golden period.
Secondary school is the best.

Thats where you get to know true friends.
I really regretted that i didn't socialise during the later part of secondary school days.
I was on the internet everyday single day.
As you go higher, there will be politics, it's everywhere.
Although i hate politics, but i just have to cope with it.

I'm sure nobody like politics.
I missed my secondary school friends.
They really help each other out.
Hopefully, there will be another outing, this time, i'll go for sure!

Today, i went to catch 2 movies.
One was ice age 3 and another was transformer.
I must say ice age 3 isn't that nice, transformer on the other hand, was astonishing.
So far, it's the only movie which have a second part,
and i felt it's better then the previous one.
All other movies, which have a second or third part,
I didn't thought it was as nice or nicer then the part one movie.

Very good show indeed, It's worth my 6bucks.
Alright, i'll end here, byebye everyone.

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