Sunday, February 7, 2010


For the first time, i'm going to post pictures in this blog! How wonderful! Well, i'm going to post my clique's photo! I must say, Pixon12's photo capablility is really awesome. Good quality! It's been awhile ever since i last blogged. I was lazy then, hahaha.

i was also quite busy with work. I had some surprise when i went out with the clique on saturday. Really, it was a surprise. Marcus will be going down this tuesday to appeal for Hnitec in Bishan ITE. I hope he can get it. It's good to have another partner in the school. =]

Recently, i have some family problems too. My oldest sister, she still can't get back up, It's been worst ever since she went Dubai to work. I understand that having depression isn't any kidding matter. However sometimes, the fact that she acts childishly really pissed people off. No matter what, She is always my sister. We as a family have to be united and stand for each other.

It's the first time i seen my father, weeping so pitifully in front of my family. I got completely stunned and disappointed. Stunned because my whole life, i didn't even seen him crying so pitifully, not even when my grandparents died. Disapointed because after my rebellious saga, came my sister's issue. My parents are always so worried for us. They have reached a age whereby they should have retired and enjoy life. Needless to say, they are definitely not enjoying their "retired" life.

Alright, Enough of talks. I shall leave my Philosophy talks to next post. i have some things that i haven't thought about, and i'll talk about it once i have think through. =) Let the pictures do the talking!

Ji Long

My fatty neck!




Alright, that's all for now. Goodnight peeps!

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