Monday, December 7, 2009

It's LATE!

It's 3.43 am now.
Well, i couldn't sleep, and there is nothing i could do.
Yeah, so i'll blog to kill time.

My god, i just gotten viral infection.
I think i jolly well deserved it.
Even when i was having sore throat,
I continued to eat junk food,
resulting viral infection.

Anyway i recovered and was on mc for 2days.
That's shit, because those aunties will nag/ask
why you sick? i have to cover your duties during your 2days of mcs.
Blah.. Blah..
I hate that.

Past few days, i was doing absolutely nothing.
Going out also seems to be bored.
There is like nothing to enjoy out there.
When I'm inside, it would be computer.
Never ever will i take a book and read it.
How boring my life is!

My mum went oversea anyway.
Seems to me i have changed.
I used to love it when my mum go overseas.
It would mean freedom.

Now, i'm not one bit happy.
Instead i felt bored.
My house is like a hotel.
My relationship with my sister isn't going any better.

Okay, i shall stop here.

Goodnight all.

Where are youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu?
I miss you so muchhhhhhh =[

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