Tuesday, December 1, 2009

straighten thinking.

Ha, i'm blogging now.!

I want to go back studies.
I love to study.
These few days, always work work work!
If ever i have off, it will be out!
I didn't stay home and mug computer anymore!

I discuss with my mom too.
I told her if my Ns letter don''t come by end of december,
I may want to get back to studies, ITE.
The other option, would be after army, i go ahead with private.
Initially, she was giving me a negative answer.
She still sense that i'm hook on the computer.

However, after i told her, my next course that i'll be studying wouldn't be computer anymore.
It seems that she once again believed in me.
Thank god.
I lost this trust several years ago.
I want to earn it back!
I found out, my interest was in business!

I want to study more about business!
Though i was years behind my friends, but i will make it!=]
ever since, i went full time work,
without any studies, i was idling around.
then i fully realise the pressure of a adult,
Its about money.

Okay, Hope my path onwards will be great!
My beloved mum...
Shes always so good, supporting me.
yet i showed her my stupid attituide.
No matter how old you are, all mothers will treat their children as kids.
Forever taking care of them, worrying for them.
I love my mother <3.

Next will be my sister!
They were so good to my previously!
All my branded stuff were bought by my sister.
I will try to be better.
I was so cold to my family eversince 2009.
I love my sisters too!

This is for lynn de,
Bendannnnnnnn lol.
so cute ;D
Hope you enjoyed the song.
My first time singing for a girl.

Bye Bye.

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